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A Website for gamers mainly based in Sydney. Generally a social clan website for D-G.
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 Welcome To D-G

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2 posters

Posts : 19
Join date : 2010-10-21
Age : 32
Location : Sydney

Welcome To D-G Empty
PostSubject: Welcome To D-G   Welcome To D-G EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 11:54 am

HELLO and welcome to Dyamic Gaming ....or DG for short!!

We're an Australian and New Zealand based clan that emphasises social over competetive gaming. The clan was started in October 2010 by a bloke;Pan0xiK, as a means for average Aussie gamers to get together in games and has progressed to having over 25 members and playing a very large variety of games.

Membership is open to anyone and is reliant on kill death ratios or other stats. We do require you to undertake trials or tests . Here's how it works!

Step 1.
Create a new topic in the Application forum introducing yourself. Include how you found out about the clan, your hobbies and what games you are into. Congratulations! You are now a probationary D-G member! Your name will appear in Light Blue. The other name colours are

Black (these are our Admins),
Red (these are are Moderators),
Blue (these are Full D-G Members),
Light Blue (these are new member on trial)

Step 2.
Read the Rules! We don't tolerate cheating (glitching) or poor behaviour. This includes swearing and trash talking in games or lobbies or on the forum! If you choose to ignore the warnings given out by any member of the Leadership then you will be BANNED from the site, and if you continue to act in such a way you could possibly be kicked out of D-G. We are all here to have fun and make friends with fellow Aussie/NZers, no-one needs to be harassed or feel threatened in any way.

Step 3.
Get active on the forum. Meet the members and get to know them. This is the fastest way to fill your friends list and get into some great games.

Step 4.
After a trial the Leadership group will decide if you have been following the rules and getting involved. If you are successful you will be notified and your name will be changed to blue. You will then get access to other sections of the forum and the Private Messaging system to keep in touch with your new friends.

So? If this sounds like the Clan for you. Stick around and become a part of the community. And try to remember- You will get out of the experience what you put into it!

- D-G Management
Welcome To D-G DG
Want1? Ask! D-G Bitch Smile
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Xia Legend

Xia Legend

Posts : 27
Join date : 2010-10-30
Location : Sydney

Welcome To D-G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome To D-G   Welcome To D-G EmptySat Oct 30, 2010 2:29 pm

Very useful information thx Suspect
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